Thousands of information passed us everyday,but how much you received? how much you remember? I really not sure. News papers, a range of words to describe Some investigation ,or the traditional information manifestation mode which make you bore and don't want to read it.specifications,A heap of text make you dazzling.You have to read it ,but you don't want to read it .
How to let people easy to understand the information,and happy to accept it , resemble it and enjoy,i think is information design.Information design is the skill and practice of preparing information so people can use it with efficiency and effectiveness. Information design draws on a wide range of competencies that are seldom possessed by a single person.Information Design is the practice of gathering, filtering, and presenting information in accordance with effective design principles in order to understand --- and communicate to others --- the essence, the meaning of that information. Here are links to resources that can help you explore and practice meaningful and effective information design. 'Information designers are very special people who must muster all the skills and talents of a designer, combine it with the rigor and problem solving ability of a scientist or mathematician and bring the curiosity, research skills and doggedness of a scholar to their work. I think they're the unsung and often unnoticed heroes of our profession.' Terry Irwin, 'Information design: what is it and who does it',