So Me
SO ME is a Parisian graphic designer, animator, illustrator. So Me design difference works. Except creating album art,he also done music videos and installation works, T-shirts which is for H&M and Japanese clothing label Revolver.As Art Director for Ed Banger Records Incorporating the vibrant colours and tongue-in-cheek references, the visual language he use is unique,you could find his trademark style breakthrough all of this work.
Kanye's interest in So Me stemmed out of this little incident at the MTV Europe VMA awards:
So Me is figure out to make tangible albums relevant and worthwhile - a feat in today’s world of digital music distribution. He provides the artistic and visual identity which accompanies Ed Banger Records’ brand of music and culture that has recently experienced tremendous growth – largely via the internet. So Me’s work is often described as influenced by the iconic pop art of the 1960s, French comic books and graffiti, and contemporary iconography.
rance's TV laws are super tight about product placement and even blurred out the background posters in So Me's video for DJ Mehdi's 'I am Somebody' that promoted the 'I am Somebody' single
his led to Kanye's DJ (A-Trak of Montreal) opening Kanye's eyes to WHO he lost the VMA to - and the French electro scene,
including seeing So Me's video for Justice's 'D.A.N.C.E.'
including seeing So Me's video for Justice's 'D.A.N.C.E.'
Everything So Me has created from the D.A.N.C.E video to all his album art embodies the world of Ed Banger Records that he has created - grown out of their touring adventures, personal references and rockstar charicatures of his label-mates.

People always think the childhood has a great influence to the artist, he was born in Pairs, skateboard culture has a great affection to him.He used to a freelance magazine illustrator who gaining a bad reputation because he attach to graffiti crews.
His style is very identifiability, sharp contrast of colour and lines.
He used to work for publications such as Collete, Arktip, Dazed, XLR8R, Clark Magazine, Sleazenation, and has created a Nike campaign for France.